IMF Inspired—Conversation with Gillian Tett: Lessons from Anthropology for the Modern Economist

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DATE: April 10, 2023

DAY: Monday

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM

LOCATION: IMF HQ1 3rd floor Meeting Hall A&B

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Gillian Tett, author and journalist at the Financial Times, discusses how an anthropological lens offers insights into public policy challenges—be it in finance, economics or politics. She talks about the role of empathy, listening and how making the strange familiar leads to better decisions and outcomes. Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the IMF, will give opening remarks and Sabina Bhatia, Deputy Secretary of the IMF, will moderate the conversation.

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IMF Inspired—Conversation with Gillian Tett: Lessons from Anthropology for the Modern Economist


Opening Remarks: Kristalina Georgieva

Kristalina Georgieva is the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). She is the first person from an emerging market economy to lead the IMF since its inception in 1944. Before joining the Fund, Ms. Georgieva was Chief Executive Officer of the World Bank and also served as Interim President for a time. Previously, she served at the European Commission as Vice President for Budget and Human Resources – and as Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response. She was named “European of the Year” and “Commissioner of the Year” by European Voice for her leadership in the European Union’s humanitarian response to crises.

Panelist: Gillian Tett

Gillian Tett serves as the chair of the editorial board and editor-at-large, US of the Financial Times. She writes weekly columns, covering a range of economic, financial, political and social issues. She is also the co-founder of FT Moral Money, a twice weekly newsletter that tracks the ESG revolution in business and finance which has since grown to be a staple FT product. In 2020 and 2021, Moral Money won the SABEW best newsletter. Previously, Tett was the FT’s US managing editor from 2013 to 2019. She has also served as assistant editor for the FT’s markets coverage, capital markets editor, deputy editor of the Lex column, Tokyo bureau chief, Tokyo correspondent, London-based economics reporter and a reporter in Russia and Brussels. Her latest book, Anthro-Vision, A New Way to See Life and Business came out in June 2021.

Moderator: Sabina Bhatia

Sabina Bhatia

Sabina Bhatia is Deputy Secretary of the IMF. Prior to that, she was Assistant Director in the Communications Department. Sabina has a B.A. from Calcutta University and an M.A. in Applied Economics from Johns Hopkins University.

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